You are a Compliance Officer for SPACEFLEET. Search for clues on your Compliance Console. Open your dossier to assemble your investigation, check your work, and bring Captain Braxton to justice. Click and Drag until the truth is revealed.

Programming - Charlie Laud

Character Design - Michael Sciortino

Writing - Kevin Flynn, Matt Garzcynski, Mike Gillis, Charlie Laud, Michael Sciortino

Art - Charlie Laud, Michael Sciortino

Music - Kevin Flynn

Made for The Case Of The Thinky Game Jam. We sought to combine everything we'd learned from animation, illustration and motion design (and a tiny bit of Unity dabbling here and there) to build a modular puzzle system with enough flexibility to simply drag and drop sprite assets/update copy on the fly. The initial part of the jam was dedicated to fleshing out the concept and building supporting mechanics in c#. The remaining time was spent refining story, polishing assets, and making sure everything worked coherently. 

StatusIn development
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(9 total ratings)
TagsDetective, Mystery, Point & Click, Retro, Sci-fi, Space
Average sessionAbout a half-hour


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(1 edit)

I'd like to launch a formal complaint against the system. yrg gur qnq or sbaq bs uvf nqbcgrq xvqf (perjzngrf)

I love this game but (rot13 for spoilers)

v pnag svaq gur rivqrapr sbe engvbaf. v gubhtug vg jbhyq'ir orra gur cnegl, gur gvzr bs cnegl, be gur pncgnva fnlvat jr'ir tbg gjb jrrxf gb tb guebhtu sbhe jrrxf bs engvbaf.

V'z ybfg urer

ng ubhe gjb gurl fxvccrq ulqengvba. pyvpx gur jngre qebc va gur pbeare bs gur fperra

"These findings will be enough to ensure in a quick and surgical court marshall for Captain Braxton." 

YAY!! (btw its court-martial)

"Likely resulting in his expulsion from spacefleet and possible execution"

wait... I didn't sign up for this....

Ah crossreferencing different forms of evidence to build a full picture feels great. The Galaxy Quest / Obra-Dinn mix really works thanks to the fresh writing- some top tier jokes in here + great teamwork of skillsets, very inspiring ✨

(>insert note to highlight the evidence hitboxes<)

Ooo say more on this. Like the whole hitbox area itself should light up in addition to the cursor?

Thank you for playing! Galaxy Quest meets Obra-Dinn is an insanely cool comparison. Much appreciated.

Regarding the "full picture" aspect, we're thinking of adding a section that details the whole story in a linear fashion beat by beat, each beat unlocked as you solve clues. Do you think that would detract from the fun of the player assembling it themselves?


Pretty lovely little experience, while I initially thought I was actually going to do detective work, the twist was still pretty funny and caught me offguard.

Only thing I can criticize is getting the evidence, it usually came down to spamming everywhere until something came up, as the hitboxes were ever so specific about where the evidence could originate from.

In conclusion, 4.7/5, very nice!

Best of luck, cheers!


Appreciate the feedback! We're def still in the process of balancing those mechanics. We do indeed want to avoid having the player feel like they need to spam clicks everywhere because the setup isn't clear or the hitboxes are annoyingly precise. Will look into this. Thanks again!